A review by jen286
Obligation by Aurora Rose Reynolds


This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

I love Aurora Rose Reynolds and her alpha males. Obligation is another great read of hers and oh Kai you are so great. I loved that it is set in Hawaii with some of that culture inserted into the story. Such a fun read.

Obligation is the unusual love story of Myla and Kai. Myla is the main narrator and I have to say I wish we got a little more of Kai's perspective just because I loved him so much! I wanted to spend more time with him! The two of them are just thrown together and it is just organic growth between the two of them that was really interesting to watch. Myla has had some rough times growing up and some of the worst is not really shared until the end, but it is pretty obvious what happened. She still has issues and things she needs to deal with to be a better person and be able to be in a relationship with Kai and have things work out for them. At times she was a little annoying since she would just get angry at everything without listening to what Kai had to say or letting him explain. She also had expectations for him that she herself was not even doing, but they work everything out by the end which was nice.

Kai is just an incredible guy. He not a completely good guy in the sense of always being on the right side of the law, he can come across as kind of scary if he doesn't like you or if you are a threat to those he loves, but he is great with those he cares. He was so sweet with Myla and you can really see how much he cares about her through all the little things he does. He will do anything from the first moments they met to protect her and make sure she is okay. It is always about her. When the book opens they had just had to get married and even though he wants her and wants to keep her safe he still is very cautious and doesn't push her at all. Really she does not know him at all and he wants her to feel safe with him and not like there are expectations or anything. He just always will do whatever to make sure she is good. Like if he has to go out of town for a few days he checks in with her to make sure she will be okay with him gone. One time she asks him something like if I said I needed you would you just not go? His immediate reply? Of course I would stay here if you needed me. There wasn't even a moments hesitation ever with him no matter how important the other things he had to do were. If Myla needs him he will be there for her, or protect her however he can. I loved it. The story was filled with just these little moments that show much he cares that just melt my heart. That doesn't mean that there are not some bumpy parts, some times when Myla is hurt and upset, but he was amazing to read. I loved him and how loving he was with her.

So if I loved Kai and Myla's story so much, which I did, why isn't my rating higher? Well there were a few small issues with the background story I had. At times, especially at the beginning, I felt like I was missing something. Like there was a book before this one that I should have read that would have explained things for me, like Myla's families history and such. You do get to know some of it by the end, but I still had questions as to why things happened and what exactly the issues were and such. There was such a bog world that was in the background I just wanted to know more about it. Also there were things that happened just kind of popped up and then disappeared never to be seen again. Like having to meet someone, then them not ending up meeting that person, then they never were referenced again. It was like wait if it was so important to meet up with them that it was mentioned why was this not rescheduled or something? Did it actually happen and it was just not included in the story or was it something that was not needed to begin with? Or there were a few times when things seemed like they would be a big deal, but then nothing ever came of them. I don't really want to give anything away so I don't want to use examples, and they weren't huge deals, it is just things like that that were just not followed through with as well as I would have liked. They were just little things and didn't ruin the story of anything like that, but it was enough to drop my rating down some.

Do I recommend reading this book? Yes, yes I do especially if you know and love the author. Really I would have read this book just for Kai (and I did read it more than once already because I loved him)! There were some issues with background things I had, or small details, but it was still a great read and I really enjoyed it. Definitely check it out.