A review by kittarlin
The Book of Joby by Mark J. Ferrari


Definitely a fantasy (angels, demons, Merlin, magic), but a rather think-y fantasy, something I don't run into very often. What makes it unique is the use of elements of the Christian mythos (God, Lucifer, the biblical story of Job) to examine Good, Evil, Fate, Love, Free-will, all in a very non-Christian way.

Mark, you are a very brave man. These are some very large sacred cows you've taken on. The biblical book of Job is rather ho-hum reading, despite the wager and the poetry. Joby's story, on the other hand, I actually had to put down and walk away from, the idea of an all-knowing, all-loving God comfortably agreeing to this wager and then stepping back while Lucifer and Hell, Inc. pull out all the stops was that discomforting. I finished reading the book, obviously, but I wonder if I could have finished writing it.