A review by bookbae96
Levi's Blue by M. Leighton


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Evie de Champlain may be blind, but she refuses to be defined by her disability. Because, although she can't see with her eyes, Evie calls on her her memories and her other senses to create true works of art. Levi Michaelson is enchanted by Evie when he meets her at one of her art shows, and it isn't long before the two are spending all of their time together. Not everyone wishes Evie and Levi well, though, and their newfound happiness is put to the test soon enough.

I have been a fan of Michelle Leighton for a very long time. From the twisty, intriguing storylines of her Bad Boys series, to the tautly suspenseful Tall, Dark, and Dangerous series, to the heartbreak and redemption of POCKETFUL OF SAND, to the mind-blowing and amazing THE EMPTY JAR, Michelle manages to write evocative and creative stories that grab me every single time. I guess what I'm saying is that Michelle hasn't written a book that I haven't loved, so when I had the opportunity to read LEVI'S BLUE, I jumped at the chance.

Evie is truly amazing. A firm believer in making lemonade from the lemons that come her way, she has taken what could have been a devastating turn in her life and made it into something wonderful and beautiful, something that enriches not only her life, but those of the people that get to see her creations. And, while she could have been bitter and angry over everything that happened, she's instead open and humorous and joyful.

Levi is a man with secrets. Since I'm keeping this spoiler-free, suffice to say that there is plenty going on under that sinfully sexy and engaging surface. I think that one of the reason that he is so attracted to Evie is that she is wide open, sharing her gifts and her heart with everyone around her, and it just calls to him. And, I have to say, once the "ish" hits the fan, and his secrets are revealed, Levi is a man on a mission to plead his case and prove himself worthy of forgiveness and love. Being in the dog house never looked so good, and he definitely have won my heart.

I thoroughly enjoyed LEVI'S BLUE. The story is unique and fresh, the characters are funny and sexy and strong, and the dialogue had me smiling throughout (well, when I wasn't crying right along with Evie, that is). And, while I enjoy a cliffhanger as much as the next person, I am a big fan of a story where everything gets wrapped up, so the epilogue was a perfect touch for me. Thank you, Michelle, for this beautiful story, one that will stay with me for a long time to come.

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***