A review by tylajade_
The Last Guests by J.P. Pomare


Not many books can make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, but how realistic the situations are that unfold and how easily they could actually happen and probably do happen had my heart racing. From a cheating scandal, to stalkers, hidden cameras in “WeStays” (airbnbs), dark web creeps, so many secrets and a suspenseful investigation, this book had my heart racing.

My opinion of this book wasn’t very positive to begin with, I felt like there was a lot of unnecessary, dragged on dialogue at the start. I also understand the author wanted to stay authentic to New Zealand as it is where the book takes place but in doing so I feel like unless you’re a New Zealander yourself or knowledgeable about the country a lot of words and phases used wouldn’t be understood properly. My only other issue was in part two ‘the aftermath’ I felt alot of repetitiveness with the emotions of the main character Lina constantly; repeating about how guilty she felt.. like we get it!

Now to the good stuff, I’m so glad I pushed through the slow start and kept reading because oh my god! The way this book made me feel was insane, my heart skipped a beat or two! J.P Pomare is a genius when it comes to writing a suspenseful thrilling novel. The storyline is amazing, I love how creeped out It made me feel, it was dark and twisted. There were so many secrets and every time one of them was nearly about to surface my stomach would drop!

I recommend this book to someone who wants a crazy creepy fast paced (for most of it) book! if you can get over the anticipation of wanting things to hurry up and get a move on at the start then you’re in for a wild ride.