A review by heabooknerd
Crash and Burn by Rachel Lacey


This was a quick read but enjoyable. I love stranded together plot lines because characters can either bond really well or be at each other’s throats. In this case, Isa and Nate bond and find solace in each other. They do fall in love quickly (within a week) but Rachel Lacey does a pretty good job of fleshing out their characters and their romance.

The survival aspects were done really well. There was plenty of tension from external problems (a nearby forest fire, finding food, getting lost, etc.) while also plenty of down time for Isa and Nate to get to know one another. I also appreciated that their survival skills weren’t just something they magically knew: Isa was a huge fan of survival TV shows and Nate had a basic grasp on what to do if his plane ever went down.

Isa was a really sweet and likable heroine who just kept on going no matter what got in her way. She was strong, determined, and knew what she wanted. She never let Nate hide behind his excuses or fear.

I wanted Maya, the dog, to have a stronger presence or bonding moment. She’s the whole reason they’re on the plane to begin with and it’s obvious from the beginning that Isa will end up keeping her. That being said, I kind of wanted her to go into protective mode and be this great companion for them.