A review by sharondblk
A Stash of One's Own: Knitters on Loving, Living with, and Letting Go of Yarn by Clara Parkes


I read these essays one or two a day, partly to give myself time to absorb and enjoy them, and partly because books like this can start to feel a bit repetitious if read through start to finish with no pauses to think.
A Stash of Ones Own largely avoids the pitfalls of repetition, as the contributors take a diverse approach to the topic. From a psychologist, an anthropologist, some of my favourite bloggers, the contributors are (largely) intelligent, honest and interesting. There were one or two that I didn’t care for, but that is always going to happen in an anthology like this.
As someone who labours under the probably false belief that I’d like to have no stash at all, this book made me slow down, assess why I have a stash and become a bit more comfortable with the tension I feel between wanting to reduce my stash and wanting to buy yarn.
One of the quotes about stash from this book says “It’s supposed to be a pleasure”, and in the end I think that’s the largest message I took away from it. I’m not going to share here my other favourite quotes, because you should read it and yourself and find your own favourite quotes. There really is something here for every crafter.
I received an ARC from NetGaleey, but I was planning to buy this book.