A review by txreadereabbd
Two Bites Too Many by Debra H. Goldstein


When I got the opportunity to receive an ARC copy of this book to review, I immediately bought the first book in the series (reading them in order is a "thing" of mine). But I really think that Two Bites Too Many, the second book in the Sarah Blair Mystery series, could be enjoyed independently.

With both books, I just haven't been able to connect with the main characters. There's nothing I love more than characters that I actually miss in between books. And I just don't feel that with this series. The author also used a particular sentence structure (starting sentences with person's name [proper noun] and pronoun) that drove me nuts. And it was used a lot. It's not like it was grammatically incorrect. In my personal opinion, it was really awkward to read and became quite distracting.

All that being said, this was a quick, easy read with plenty of twists that will keep you guessing. I know some people cringe a three-star rating, but for me, that is a solid middle ground and means I will read more from this author.