A review by maleficentbookdragon
Sharcano by Jose Prendes


Actually ** 1/2
I wanted to love this and there were things to love about this. I am a B monster movie lover, so LAVA SHARKS, sharks made out of actual lava, is amazeballs. I love an outrageous science gone wrong storyline. The story kept me interested. To a point.

My disappointments (or, why it didn't get 3 stars) -
1) Jack ass of a main character, and his lack of character.I was routing fir him to die. A lot.
2) Sexist language. This writer really has a thing against over weight women, or plain women, or women I general I think.
3) Some ridiculous language. Really?!? No one talks like that.
4) Sloppy editing. Too many typos.
5) Too many charcters jammed in

I'm not annoyed I read it, but the writing was annoying a lot of the time. Not as bad as "An Apple for Zoe", but close. Both are stories I wanted to know, but the writing made it painful to know.