A review by booksbrewsbanter
When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker

Did not finish book. Stopped at 42%.
DNF at chapter 39. Didn’t finish in time for the Libby rental. Honestly, I probably would’ve kept reading if I had more time. But I also did put it down for a bit. I loved the world building and concept. I was just left wanting a bit from the story. Pretty sure I know exactly what the reveal is. Not to say I need a story to be unpredictable, but for how long it is I just felt like it should’ve been a bit more mystery. And the first smut scene left a bad taste in my mouth. It felt out of character for our FMC and made me put the book down. Perhaps I’ll pick it up again, it was a cute story, I just wasn’t attached enough for the length of the book, or to spend money on it.