A review by ultranurd
Dragons of Faerun by Eric L. Boyd, Eytan Bernstein


I got this as a free promotional download from I think Drive Thru RPG. I'm using it to get some interesting ideas for a one-shot involving draconic threats. This book is a very tropeful example of everything that is wrong with fantasy RPG settings. I've never played D&D in Faerun, or read any of the numerous novels set there, and I think in hindsight I'm glad that's the case. The history is riddled with ridiculous intrigue, kingdoms changing hands, world-changing magic spells, and dragons with unpronounceable names. On the other hand, I can see where Blizzard got some of its more... involved... ideas for draconic lore in the Warcraft Games.

I won't know until we play, but I think this does have a few interesting spells and dragon-associated organizations and items that I can integrate into a generic campaign setting, without worrying about which color dragon lives on which mountain and hates which elf hero.