A review by shellysbookcorner
Broken Love Story by Natasha Madison


So despite being told I should have read the first book to get a better understanding I didn’t read. I pretty much went in head first and blind with this story and I don’t regret one moment of it! Right off the bat this story sucked me in and I knew it was going to be intense and heartbreaking. This was such a messy situation for both characters and this book made my heart race while reading. I’m doing my best to avoid spoilers but this book is all sorts of deep and I’m only up to chapter 7! Natasha Madison has laid the ground work for what I can only imagine will be a heartfelt and heartbreaking story. It’s very rare I have to write notes as I read but I couldn’t continue without jotting these thoughts down.

As expected this book continued to rip my heart out as I read. After everything Samantha has gone through her “family” is now casting her to the side. Samantha had so much strength and I loved the support that she received from Blake as well. There aren’t enough words to describe how much I loved Blake. He was broken as well but wanted to fix and heal Samantha and her girls. He was such a good guy and everyone needs a Blake in their lives. I was dreaded and looking forward to the “showdown” between Hailey and Samantha and I loved that it was tasteful done.

This book was well written, sweet story about two broken people finding love. The drama wasn’t over the top and it felt very realistic while I was reading. I will be making it my business to read the first two books in the series as well.