A review by booksafety
Daddy's New Kitten by Chara Croft


Book safety, content warnings, and tropes down below.

Edited with updated info and content warnings after reread.

This book was truly just a whole bunch of fun. I can't remember the last time I smiled quite as much while reading. I'm certain I looked like an absolute dork the whole way through, and I loved it.

‘Young man volunteers for a kinky pet adoption charity event in order to win over his chosen soulmate after finding out he's kinky, but accidentally chooses the wrong kink’ is definitely the recipe for so, so many good things. The steam was amazing. Deke is a virgin who's saved himself for Marshall for over 3 years. You better believe it was explosive when he finally got what he wanted.

Deke was just.. a lot, but in all the best ways. He saw Marshall, and because he just knew they were soulmates, destined to be, endgame, written in the stars, etc., of course he was relentless in his pursuit. Deke's character definitely straddles the line sometimes, but because he's a good person, and has the purest heart, you just can't get annoyed with him. He was also absolutely hilarious and said the most unintentionally unhinged things.

"Do I look fuckable enough in this?” I asked, wondering if I should pull out the kitchen shears and make the shirt into a crop top before popping over to Marshall's to check on the status of the future father of the babies I didn't plan on having. Wait, non-father? Co... unparent?

Marshall was the perfect counterbalance for Deke's unhinged-ness. He had some hang-ups from a previous relationship that made him feel not good enough for a relationship, but when he finally gave in to Deke (come on, it was inevitable), he provided the calm his kitten needed to let go of his stress.

I swallowed hard, a lump in my throat. My boy was all in, and always had been. If I ever let him down, it would be a thousand times worse than the way I'd disappointed Ryan. Hurting Deke would be unbearable.

⬇️ Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & content tags ⚠️
Daddy kink
Pet play
Kitten play
Age gap
Virgin MC
Supportive parent
Bratty kitten
Hands-free orgasms

⚠️ Content warning ⚠️
Pet play
Explicit sexual content
Parent and SC with chronic illness (MS)
MC almost hit by car, impact play
Sex while in ‘pet subspace’

⚠️Book safety ⚠️
Cheating: No
Other person drama: No
Breakup: No
POV: 1st person, dual
Genre: Contemporary romance
Pairing: M/M
Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles
Main characters’ age: 21 and 40
Series: Standalone, multi-author series
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Pages: 274
Happy ending: Yes

"What if Marshall isn't into slutty twinks at all?” I whined. Mom sighed. “You're doubling down on the 'slutty,' sweetie? Really? Do we need to have a talk about the no-tolerance policy toward sex shaming in this house?"

"Oh, and number four, you know I'm in love with you.” Daddy spewed out the sip of water he'd just taken. I handed him a napkin. “That wasn't actually the question. You have to know. Number four is, how long do you think it will take you to catch up and love me back?” “Deke,” he said, and then stopped, just staring at me. Good staring... probably. I squirmed. “Too much?"

You can find most of my reviews on Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/booksafety?igsh=MWZ3azhkdDc2Y2ludg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr