A review by bookish_blanche
Shadow Rose by Elsie Quail


An interesting fantasy story

- I would like to thank the author for the eARC -

When Maeva finds herself forced to fulfill a prophecy, she has no choice but to obey. She now has to return a child goddess to her rightful place. With her two best friends, she journeys through the kingdom, facing danger and betrayals on all sides. Feelings mingle in everything and Mae isn't certain that it will make things better or easier...

It took me a few chapters to really get into the story, but afterward, I quite enjoyed this book. The world is interesting, complex, and has a lot of potential for growth in the sequel, something I'm excited to discover. The characters are relatable, and even if I didn't always understand Mae's choices, I liked her a lot. Her friends are adorable as well and I loved the dynamic they had together. The story in itself is intriguing, especially with the chapters in the Lady of Darkness' point of view which added a nice pacing to the book. There were a lot of plot twists and surprises that I didn't see coming, and even if the middle of the book was sometimes a bit slow, I had fun reading it. As for the romance, I liked it as well! Sapphic fantasy for the win! The two girls were really cute together and I liked their relationship and how their feelings evolved throughout the story. All in all, it is a very promising first book, and I'm excited to discover what happens next.

I'd recommend if you like medieval fantasy with a sapphic romance.

"Time to stand beside her, not in front of her."

TW: death, blood, violence, assault, kidnapping, torture