A review by barts_books
Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World by Niall Ferguson


An enjoyable, well written précis of the years covering the British Empire. My main frustration however is its length doesn't do justice to its subject; ultimately Ferguson can't quite adequately contain such a breadth of historical information in such a slim volume. For instance, events in China and the acquisition of Hong Kong are dealt with in about two paragraphs. India, justifiably gets the lions share of attention, but what about Canada, Australia, Kenya? Again the briefest of mentions.

If the reader goes in expecting nothing more than a broad canvas of interesting snippets then they will be satisfied. But those looking for a deep dive on any particular event or timeline would be better served delving elsewhere. In my opinion you will learn more about the Indian Mutiny in George Macdonald Fraser's (fictional) [book:Flashman in the Great Game|142459].

That said I liked Ferguson's writing style and will pick up another one of his should it be slightly narrower in its ambition.

3.5 stars