A review by bibliophile90
Stay by A.L. Jackson


**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**


"We bled with the stars. Where they streaked and wept across the endless sky. Infinite. Burning bright right before they quickly burned out. Ashes."

I have been following this author and reading her books since the beginning of 2013. She is one of the few authors whose books I automatically one-click without even reading the blurb, which is a huge deal for me. AL Jackson writes like a poet, and her words feel magical to me. It always makes me want to read as slow as possible to savor each and every word. I can trust that she will deliver a beautiful story that will touch me deeply. I love the Bleeding Star series, and every member of Sunder has a special place in my heart. However I had been waiting a long time on Ash's book.

"Love is never cut and dry. It's messy. Confusing. Sometimes it's ugly and sometimes it;s the most beautiful thing you've ever seen."

Ash is this happy-go-lucky, easy-going guy who is always making everyone laugh and messing with them. I should've guessed that he had demons. He was broken and didn't think he deserved happiness. He had been punishing himself for so long that it became second nature to him. Reading the flashbacks were really heartbreaking and I couldn't contain my tears. He wanted to stay in the darkness, however the moment he met Willow she became his ray of sunlight. Willow was a perfect match for Ash. I loved how they met and how their relationship developed. She is shy, sweet and selfless. She never pushed Ash and he never pushed her. Like Ash, Willow had gone through some really traumatic incidents as well. She lost everyone that was dear to her. Ash and Willow were two broken people who healed and completed each other.

"I want to own you, Peaches. I want to awaken what's been lying dormant. Bring it to life. Watch you glow."

Stay is a great addition to the Bleeding Stars series. I really enjoyed this book and loved seeing Ash and Willow heal. I especially enjoyed seeing Willow come out of her shell. I also loved seeing what the rest of the gang were up to. Now I can't wait to see who Zee wil end up in Stand. He is the most mysterious character of them all and I have no idea what to expect. His story is a second-chance romance so that has me even more excited.