A review by mysimas
Not Before Sundown by Johanna Sinisalo


I enjoyed this one. I was also disgusted by some aspects of it, which was probably the author’s intention — but why exactly she intended to disgust her readers with the inclusion of pedophilic themes is beyond me. As if the zoophilia wasn’t bad enough.

Her overall approach to the trolls as a species reminded me of Čapek’s War with the Newts, in which the newts were also discussed with the help of several ‘scientific’ documents as well as other written texts of various forms. While Čapek made all of them up himself, Sinisalo seems to have found actual pre-existing literary texts involving trolls? As I’m not Finnish, I only managed to read The Unknown Soldier and don’t recall if the fleeing mention of trolls had been there originally. 

Some parts of the book were a tad ridiculous. Some of them I ascribe to the translation, which was at times a little clunky; for other parts the author is clearly responsible, such as the ending.
If the book ever gains a wider fandom, I will be here, waiting for the fun Bonnie and Clyde-esque romp of Mikael and the trolls. The crack is gonna write itself, folks!

Also on a sidenote, Angel really needs to find a better nickname, because towards Dr. Spiderman, Palomita and Pessi, he was anything but. (Especially Palomita. How could he just leave her??) Heck, even the icky Ecke deserved a better treatment. The only guy worse than Angel was the advertisement dude, and that’s such a low bar. 

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