A review by ranchel
Deadline by Sandra Brown


Deadline was... not great. The plot had a lot of promise: young widow is being stalked by maybe her not so ex-husband while an intrepid journalist tries to write a story that could make his career. Throw in a Ruby Ridge-style knock off, a wanna-be Bonnie and Clyde and you have the potential for a great book. Unfortunately, Sandra Brown and whoever edited this squandered the opportunity. Brown continually misused who and whom, which is minor but irritated me to no end. The characters were not likable in the slightest. The sex scenes were very, very, very poorly-written attempts at porn. Basically, the only reason I'm not giving this one star is because there was a neat little twist at the end that was sadly overshadowed by the aforementioned porn. As a side note, that previous sentence is how you properly use big words without being awkward about it in case Brown or any of her editors is curious because their constant awkward use or flat-out misuse of "big words" also grated on me.