A review by bwagner
If We Had No Winter by D.L. Pitchford


If We Have No Winter (Billie Dixon Book 1) by DL Pitchford is the first book in her Billie Dixon series. This is my first book by this author and I can't wait to read more of her. Her writing skills just flow easily and her characters will feel more like friends then just characters. This story is told in the first person which is different then I am use to reading and I enjoyed the change. This story is about how life changes when you go to college and the future you want to make but then when it all comes down around you, what are you left with. This is Billie's story. She is in her first year of college and her family life has crashed. Her major is in the Math department which just happens that her father who she don't know well is the head of. Her best friend lives across the way but the only problem with that is she can't stand his roommate. She uses art to work out her frustration which is how she decided to tutor others. A problem with this is that one of her students has feelings for her. On top of that she is still trying to figure out how to deal with her relationship with her father. Billie is a person that has her own issues with insecurities. She does have a passion and I loved that we got to see inside of her head. Sometimes, the personal inside helps makes a better connection with the character. In this case, you just want to give Billie a hug because of everything she is going through. The secondary characters in this story are supportive and easy flowing. They all really just jive together to make the story engaging. I for one, can't wait to read the second book in this series so I can see what happens to Billie next. I highly recommend this book as I know you will want to see what happens to Billie and her struggles and how she can survive her life.