A review by angelinaxng
Un Lun Dun by China MiƩville


The amount of alternative-London(s) literature ([b:Neverwhere|14497|Neverwhere (London Below, #1)|Neil Gaiman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348747943l/14497._SX50_.jpg|16534], [b:A Darker Shade of Magic|22055262|A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic, #1)|V.E. Schwab|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1400322851l/22055262._SY75_.jpg|40098252] etc) is truly staggering... something must be in the air for all of them to SLAP. This book was fantastical in a good way and super whimsical, which is something I was in the mood for. China Mieville also has really incredible range (seeing that I wrote my h3 Lit report on The City & The City, a crime fiction novel.... and then he comes out with this fantasy novel which is as good!). Some pretty decent (though fairly obvious) subversions on being a "Chosen One" and stuff. Docking points for: draggy in the middle, fairly obvious at the beginning what was going to happen next, gets repetitive towards the end. Points for: Super detailed descriptions on the fantastical "Un Lun Dun", cute ending, and Hemi the ghost who is my Favourite Character. Okay this is Too Long a reflection but 7.7/10.