A review by kp_hobbitreads
Never Trust a Guy with Fangs by Mia Monroe


#1 Never Trust a Guy With Fangs: ★★★☆☆ | 3 stars

I have read quite a few of Mia Monroe's contemporary romances and really enjoyed them. So, I was really excited to learn that she was writing her first paranormal romance, however this one missed the mark a bit for me.

The set up of this series is great. There is a centuries long feud between vampires and witches and our story is set in the New England town of Eaton Falls. Leo, a witch, wakes up in the bed of the local vampires coven leader Augustus, having no idea how he got there. Though the two are immediately drawn to one another, history tells them that nothing good can come from a witch and a vampire being together. Determined to put their personal feelings aside, the pair realizes they must work together if they are going to defeat their common enemy. And, along they way they learn some things they never knew and have to decide if their HEA is worth fighting for.

There were a couple major issues that kept me from really enjoying this as much as I'd hopes. First, Leo reads really, really young. And, I think it probably wouldn't have been such a big deal if Leo wasn't born the same year I was. I had a really hard time believing he was in his 30s, and honestly before he gave his birth year I would have placed him at 19 or 20. The second thing that really got me was the dialogue. It was hella cringy. Augustus is ancient, so he doesn't use contractions which would have been fine, even though it made the dialogue a little stilted. But, then sometimes Leo wouldn't use contractions when it would have made sense to and several times I had to double check whose head I was in. But, honestly the worst part were the constant love declarations. Leo and Augustus went from mortal enemies to schmoopy teenagers in love way too fast, and it just felt like too much. I can absolutely get behind some instalust, fated mates stuff - it's like catnip. And, don't even mind OTT love declarations if they feel authentic. But, this didn't and they kept throwing me out of the story.

Three Thoughts:
1. I really liked the found family vibes of the covens, especially the vampires and I hope that theme is developed even more in future books.
2. I would have liked to feel like the other coven members were actual well rounded characters rather than just lists of names. The only two I felt like we got to know where the couple that are going to get their HEA in book 2, and I hope we don't have to wait for several books to feel like we get to know the rest of them.
3. Love Leo's familiar - I thought that was such a cool choice of animal.

Though I didn't love this first book, I will still be continuing on with the series. The macro plot is interesting, and I want to see where it goes. And, I really liked both Presley and Beto so I'm excited to see them get their HEA.

content warnings: sex (on page), violence, drugging, murder, feelings of abandonment, loss of a loved one, mentions of suicide