A review by mindfullibrarian
10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston


(free review copy) I absolutely adored Elston’s YA novel “10 Blind Dates” so I was very happy to know we would get to return to the massive and boisterous Messina family in this follow-up story. While Blind Dates was a holiday story, this one is set around HS graduation and contains just as many family shenanigans. I didn’t love it quite as much as Blind Dates, but I think that may have more to do with the fact that I’m a mom of teens and a HS teacher and I couldn’t shut down my adult feelings about Olivia’s choices as I read and reflected. However, this is a sweet and peppy HS story that was exactly what I needed right now. I hope we get to see more of this family!

Source: year+ old digital galley from publisher