A review by emily_loves_2_read
The Wrong Kind of Weird by James Ramos


The Wrong Kind of Weird
Genre: Romance
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 1/3/23
Author: James Ramos
Publisher: Inkyard Press
Pages: 320
GR: 3.99

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Inkyard Press and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

My Thoughts: If you love anime, you will love this book. It’s funny, sarcastic, crisp, and energetic. The story is narrated in first person POV by Cameron, it was nice to see it from a guy’s perspective. This is just a lighthearted fun read. Ramos tackles some important topics in this book, much more than a high school romance, such as sex, consent, and the high school social order (probably the most important thing to a teen). I literally laughed out loud many times. I loved the developing friendships and the romance was spot on. The characters were very well developed, with depth, witty banter, chemistry, and emotion. The diversity in the characters was brilliant and enjoyable. The author’s writing style was complex, yet crisp, intriguing, humorous, and engaging. The author did a fantastic job at delivering a plot that was realistic and I could absolutely imagine happening. While this is geared towards a younger audience, I was able to relate to the characters and enjoy reading, so this book could be enjoyed by any audience. This book publishes next month and I would recommend picking up.