A review by okthislooksbad
Hotel Transylvania Graphic Novel Vol. 1: Kakieland Katastrophe by James Silvani, Stefan Petrucha


I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

If you enjoy the Hotel Transylvania-movies, you'll like this. If you don't, you might still like it. This graphic novel stays true to the movies, right down to the little quirks in the different characters, all while taking on serious subjects matters without turning them into something meant for laughs and without making it preachy. I loved the way the issues between monsters and humans were told and sorted out, but the ending did feel a little rushed and like it could use another page or three to get things resolved properly. All in all a good read, and mad kudos to everyone involved for not only capturing the characters well in illustrations, but also in writing.