A review by awkwardreader13
If You Tame Me by Kathie Giorgio



I was really positively surprised by this book! I initially requested it because of the iguana on the cover. As a reptile-lover, I couldn't say no to it, and I wasn't disappointed.
I was afraid the iguana would only be a "prop" in the story, but he turned out to be his own, lovable character. Speaking of characters, I loved all of them. Especially Audrey.
I also liked how the book talked a lot about feminism, and what it means to be a feminist. These things came up as internal or external dialogue from Audrey, as she thought a lot about whether she could call herself a feminist or not. A few times throughout the story, however, the discussion seemed a little bit repetitive and or unnatural, especially when Audrey was discussing with Anabel and Vicky.

Hurray for a non-problematic, healthy, sweet, relationship! There was no point in the story where the two love interests had a falling out, and then a dramatic make-up arc... no, it was just sweet and natural and the relationship itself did not take up the main part of the story, and ultimately the story was mostly about Audrey figuring herself out. I was a big fan of this.

I didn't really like the way Frank and Bob talked about Audrey, about how she was "different than other women" because she isn't "boring" and chooses a cat or dog as a pet. Okay. I personally have a reptile, but I love dogs and cats and a million other animals too, that I wish I could keep. I just felt a little iffy when they made it seem like people who are into cats are somehow boring or unattractive or not interesting. You can't judge someones personality on whether they like cats or not. I'm sure the author did not mean for it to be understood like that (especially as I read she herself has a cat and a dog), but still it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

Anyways, I generally really enjoyed this book. It was a very relaxing read, not boring, not over the top or dramatic... just nice.

- The research done around iguanas was really thorough, and that made me happy
- I wish the cover didn't look like it was made in paint. Many readers choose a book by its cover