A review by bleadenreads
I Am an Island by Tamsin Calidas

emotional inspiring tense slow-paced


Disenchanted by London, Tamsin and her husband move to a remote Scottish island, despite having absolutely no experience of crofting, or of island life. It was idyllic, for a while... the harsh landscape combined with the brutal reality of croft life strips Tamsin to her lowest point, physically and mentally. We read about Tamsin's slow journey back from the brink.

I rarely read non fiction but I was drawn to this memoir after watching Simon of Savidgreads review this book last year. I love the Scottish Hebrides - the Isle of Raasay is one of my favourite places in the world, but I could never live there.

It was bleak, raw and a brutal read. I found this incredibly moving and was in awe of Tamsin's determination when faced with such physical and mental battles. I was almost in disbelief when reading what she experienced. Her journey of resilience and self-discovery was beautifully written and very lyrical. Her writing of nature and the cycles of the season was not forced or overwritten but from someone who is clearly observant and draws great strength from the natural world. 

"the incredible ability of the natural world to provide when everything else has fallen away"

Though I know the publication of this book caused some drama on the island as Tamsin depicts xenophobia, racism, violence, abuse and vandalism from her neighbours for nearly 14 years with some islanders dismissing some versions of events.
I did also notice Tamsin's own prejudices slip in, with judgement of Highland hospitality traditions and her thrill to hear her new friend Cristall's “educated English accent”. Other friendships she makes - such as a scene near the end refers to her being surrounded by “harmonious voices” and “laughter” – she skips over, seemingly preferring to focus on the hostility. Maybe this was due to the editing but it does suggest that there must be some positive elements about island life that are not covered in the memoir. 

But overall - I did really enjoy this memoir and has made me completely reconsider my apparent avoidance of this genre....

There are some trigger warnings - with detailed and graphic descriptions of trauma, miscarriage, domestic abuse and suicide attempts 

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