A review by jaimearkin
Chained by Ruthie Knox


Ruthie Knox has a fan for life in me... I was able to read the first three of these serials back to back (lucky me
In the first 'episode' we meet our main characters. Ashley, has recently lost her grandmother and along with the one person who tied her down to earth the place she had considered her home.

Her grandmother sold the vacation rental that Ashley was hoping to inherit one day to a Miami developer named Roman Diaz. And she never told Ashley a thing about that or the sickness that eventually took her life.

Without thinking anything through, Ashley chains herself to a tree on the property demanding that Roman stop the destruction of the resort she considers home.

Roman isn't quite sure what to make of Ashley. He's fought for the things he has in life... his fancy suits, his fancy car and this oceanfront property that will make him ... or break him.

I love that Roman and Ashley are on completely different wavelengths ... Ashley looks at Roman and sees a mean money grubbing land developer too straight-laced to see beyond what the land that the resort is on is worth. Roman looks at Ashley and sees someone who has never had a care in the world, someone who flits through life without any drive.

When these two finally butt heads in person I loved every second of it, and when Roman finally gives in to the demands of Ashley in order to get her off the property it was perfection.

Ruthie is doing something wonderfully unique with these novella length stories and I'm so incredibly excited for it. You're going to want to jump into these as soon as you can because, as she always does, Knox creates unique and captivating characters that will have you frowning in sympathy one minutes and cackling with laughter the next.

Put this series on your 'To Be Read' list... you don't want to miss out!

thank you to Ruthie and Loveswept for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!