A review by sparklingreader
Pure by Julianna Baggott


Title: Pure
Author: Julianna Baggott
Genre: YA science fiction
Grade: B+

This is a big book, and I’m not talking just size. It is not a light story as it deals with dystopian subjects like government conspiracies, mutations, betrayal, family issues, revenge, and more. The world building is phenomenal, the characters strong and believable.

The story revolves around two main characters – Pressia and Partridge. Partridge is a “Pure” meaning he is human. He lives inside the Dome, a place that was protected when the Detonation happened. Pressia and others like her were not so lucky. They were on the outside and merged with whatever happened to be close to them at that moment. In Pressia’s case, her left arm ends in a doll’s head. She was one of the lucky ones.

I thought the story very well developed. The characters are strong, horrific, disturbing, yet vulnerable and endearing. It is a mixture of horror, romance, mystery, and more. I really liked the story.

What I didn’t like was the style of the book – and this is strictly a personal issue. It has nothing to do with the quality of the story, which is excellent. That being said, I am not a huge fan of books where each chapter is dedicated to a different character. Basically, you have a chapter in Pressia’s point of view, then one in Partridge’s, then someone else, and so on. By the time we get back to Pressia, I’ve lost her issues. Plus this kind of writing leads to repetition by giving the same scene from different points of view. In addition, it was written in first person present tense which can be confusing in multiple points of view. As I said, personal issues.

Other than this, Pure is a strong story that fans of dystopian science fiction will definitely enjoy.