A review by radicalrachelreads
Rose by Rami Ungar


I have a fascination with people turning into plants - weird, I know - so when I got the opportunity to listen to this audiobook I was excited. The author wastes no one time diving right into the story but we soon find out, even though things are odd, they are going to keep getting even more strange! This is a dark fantasy horror with a fairy tale feel that I think most young adults could handle reading.

*Spoilers ahead*

From serious incel vibes - Paris steams with them - to stalking, murder, magic, abuse, and folklore monsters - this book is jam packed with exciting stuff, stuff that makes you cringe, and stuff that makes you think! Ladies, always trust your gut! The horror is a combo of body horror and psychological horror as well as a study of captivity and confinement. I was left wondering if Paris had really endured the horrible things he detailed or if he made them up to suit his twisted fantasies. I’m going with the latter. He’s an incel psychopath whose childhood clearly had an impact on him but how much was nature and how much was nurture?

As things were drawing to a close I was trying to guess how it was all going to end. I was hoping for a pretty ending...a happy fantasy ending. The actual ending left me wanting a different outcome but knowing that how it ended fit so well with the rest of the story.

I noticed some other reviews mentioned editing errors but I’m assuming because I listened rather than read that they were fixed in the process of the audiobook creation. I heard nothing amiss.

This was the first audiobook I’ve listened to that was narrated by a woman and I loved her style. Great narrator choice.

Thank you to the always pleasant Rami Ungar for an audiobook in return for an honest review.