A review by beckymmoe
Lady Be Reckless by Megan Frampton



Edward and Olivia were wonderful from start to finish here. Even when Olivia's obliviousness was making me cringe (which it did. A lot.), so was so earnest and tried so hard it was impossible not to feel for her--as Edward soon found out. Their meet-not-quite-so-cute was very a la Rhett and Scarlett, though her single-minded determination and insistence that she always knew what was best for everyone are really all she had in common with that other heroine. (Oh...and a need for being in control. Hmmm. Maybe they're more similar than I thought at first...) Fortunately, Olivia's much less selfish, if not always less self-centered, and realizes important facts about herself before it's too late, unlike the heroine of [b:Gone with the Wind|18405|Gone with the Wind|Margaret Mitchell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1328025229s/18405.jpg|3358283]. Most importantly, Lady Be Reckless is an actual romance, so an HEA is coming at the end.

I loved that Edward refused to apologize for what he was (illegitimate) even while admitting certain truths to himself about his situation and standing. He is the perfect hero for Olivia--charmed by her bossiness, and even though he sees her flaws he loves her for them. Plus, his cat sleeps on his bed. How can you not love this guy?

Some of my favorite bits--besides every scene in which Edward and Olivia are together--are the blurbs at the beginning of the chapters. Initially they are from Lady Olivia's Particular Guide to Decorum (sample: "If you believe something in right, you should do it. Even at the risk of being wrong. But you are never wrong.") but soon the title shifts to Lady Olivia's Particular Guide to Being Reckless (sample: "Oh my goodness, that was fun, I cannot wait to do it again." I leave it to your imagination as to what she's talking about...but yes, it's that.)

How on earth did I miss the first book in this series? ([b:Lady Be Bad|32600770|Lady Be Bad (Duke's Daughters, #1)|Megan Frampton|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1500964557s/32600770.jpg|53181469], Eleanor's story, which I must. Read. Soon.) You'd better believe my eyes will be peeled for Ida's story ([b:The Lady is Daring|36220354|The Lady is Daring (Duke's Daughters, #3)|Megan Frampton|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1518734495s/36220354.jpg|57857923]), Pearl's story, and (dare I hope?) Della's story...

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.