A review by sesquipedalian
The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffrey


I found this book to be unexpectedly clumsy in its narrative. Although there is a story, it seems unsure what story it wants to tell. In addition, the time jumps are done in a confusing way. There are no segues to help transition from one scene to another. It's also difficult to tell how long each scene is in standard time (how they record time) for example the part with Kira took 3 years yet this was said at the end of the partnership and i wouldn't have thought from the prose that that much time had elapsed, I'd thought of it more like a few months.

This book was almost like a book of connected novellas rather than a book on its own.

You can separate the book into:
1) Prologue: Helva's history and growing up years until she becomes a qualified brainship
2) Novella 1: Jennan
3) Novella 2: Theoda and helping the plague survivors
4) Novella 3: Kira, the Stork deliveries and eliminating 732 (Lia)
5) Novella 4: The Actors visit Beta Corvi
6) Novella 5: Teron and the shipnapping
7) Epilogue: Payout, Niall and a new mission