A review by iamnaomifaye
Axiomatic by Maria Tumarkin


How do I review this book? I feel unworthy of even commenting on it! Axiomatic is a tremendous reminder of the power of writing. ⁣

Cultural historian Maria Tumarkin interrogates our relationship to the past through five essays spanning teen suicide, the Holocaust and drug addiction. ⁣Axiomatic asks questions like, how do we deal with trauma as individuals and collectives? How do our cultural and personal histories affect us in the present? How do we make sense of grief? Not happy questions, no, but absolutely necessary and insightful.

The blurb made it sound like this book would be a hard one to get through, but it was no effort at all. It flowed at such a wonderful pace. I was enthralled from beginning to end.⁣

I really look up to writers who are able to write about such complex ideas in accessible ways. After reading this book, I think differently — this is what good writing does! Tumarkin made it look like magic to me.⁣