A review by caseroo7
All I Want by Jill Shalvis


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All I Want is the newest installment to the Animal Magnetism series from Jill Shalvis. Though it is book seven in the series, each book is a standalone story containing interconnected characters. Each of these books is so much fun to read, and I always know that I am going to enjoy the story when Jill's name is on the cover. All I Want was no exception, and it was just as adorable as what I have come to know from Jill Shalvis.

After the childhood she had, Zoe is happy to be settled in Sunshine Idaho. Being a pilot allows her to work and give flying lessons on the side to help pay the bills. But besides her work and family, Zoe is looking for something else and has been trying to find it with a series of blind dates. So when her brother asks her to allow his best friend to rent a room from her for a few weeks she agrees as long as he agrees to her house rules. But when Zoe meets Parker, things immediately spark between them and Zoe finds him getting under her skin. Zoe finds herself wanting something with Parker and though she knows she should stay away, she can't help but give in to her feelings. With Parker only in town for a few weeks though, will she end up with a broken heart?

I liked Zoe and Parker together. They were really cute, and they had great chemistry. These two seemed to just get each other right away and their connection was natural. They were sweet and funny, and I loved how they couldn't help but fall for one another. I will say that I didn't really connect with them that well, but I did enjoy their story. Zoe was hard for me to relate to, and I thought that she had a few issues. Parker was the same though, which is part of what made them work well together. While I did like them, I just thought that each of them made some questionable choices here, and I didn't always like the way they acted.

Overall, this was another great addition to the series and I did enjoy it. Fans of Shalvis will enjoy the humor here as well as the sweet and romantic emotional moments that always set her contemporary romance stories apart from others. I did think that this one was a bit predictable and there wasn't really anything new or different. But it was a solid story and I think a lot of readers will really like Zoe and Parker together. If you are a fan of Jill Shalvis you will definitely want to check this one out, and if you are new to her books this is a great place to start. The Animal Magnetism series is one of my favorites, and are well worth the read.

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