A review by daisymoon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Love Dares You by Rebekah Isaacs, Christos Gage, Nicholas Brendon, Joss Whedon, Megan Levens


I've never been a big shipper and I don't really like romance/romcoms, yet this volume made me really happy. It's not just that it's about the Scoobies' love lives, but it's a very grown up kind of relationships that we get to see, which is pretty rare in fiction (except for Giles but, then again, he is a kid so I guess it's to be expected). They all mess up in this comics, but they also all realize their mistakes and try to be good adults. Also, Xander finally sees a professional to deal with his issues and BOY I have been waiting for it since maybe season 2 of Buffy so really I'm happy about that.