A review by amygebhardt
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara


I've had this book on my to-read list since it was released. Back then, I heard a lot of buzz about it, rave reviews, but I never quite grasped what it was truly about. People would talk about its sadness, yet provide little insight into its contents. Because of this, I was unaware of what I was diving into when I finally picked it up. It turned out to be absolutely heartbreaking, and now I understand why it's challenging to convey the depth of trauma and sorrow Jude endured in mere conversation about a book.

Jude is the center of the group of friends who meet in college. As a reader, you learn early on about his traumatic childhood, but it is revealed to the reader bit by bit. Just when you think Jude's childhood couldn't possibly be any more tragic, Yanagihara introduces another layer of abuse inflicted upon him by adults in positions of power. The depiction of this abuse is graphic, difficult to digest, and emotionally crushing. Equally devastating is Jude's resistance to seeking therapy or accepting help. It takes nearly all 700 pages for him to open up about his experiences to the friends and family who love and want to support him.

The characters in this book are incredibly well-crafted, each possessing profound depth and captivating qualities. I particularly found Andy Contractor and Harold absolutely wonderful. Despite the abundance of love and support surrounding Jude, his inability to allow himself to embrace it is perhaps the most tragic aspect of all.

Other reviewers have expressed both admiration for this book and hesitation to recommend it, and I understand this. Engaging with this story is a profound journey, one that is worthwhile, but it's certainly not a light-hearted read. If you're seeking something uplifting, it's best to steer clear, but if you're prepared for a narrative that delves deep into the complexities of human suffering and resilience, then this book is worth your time.