A review by jedbird
The Magicians by Lev Grossman


I've read this book a bunch of times and it's a favorite of mine. The whole series is. I actually tried to watch the show and didn't even make it through the first episode so it's odd to me how many people like the show better. Whatever. Be happy, enjoy!

I know people think Quentin is terrible, and I'm not saying he isn't. But other than being a magician, he's not atypical of men his age. He makes mistakes, he's hurtful, he's sorry, and he has moments where you can see what his fully-adult form will be, and it's good. I always read the book thinking that he's kind of a tool/definitely a tool, but it's not like I have to date him, and there's MAGIC. His dickishness and mistakes move the plot along.

I love Eliot and Janet, as awful as they can be (I am probably some combination of Eliot and Janet).

If you love the show, try the books.