A review by bloodyfool0
The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail by Ray Dalio


This is an interesting read. It couples financial historic data and marries it with geopolitical views, in particular the China US relationship.

I changed my rating from 4* (because 3.5* isn't available), because like many global financial investors who look to China as a continuing rising star, they always look at it through rose tinted lenses because of pure greed. Because we know what happens when you talk down to China (meaning the CCP), they will shut you down in no time. Whilst there are agreed cultural differences, one can in no way condone the repressive regime much like this book almost does.

Other than the China US views, I like the fact that the book looks at key elements to determine the cyclical nature of economics which mirror political situations of countries. This along with a small number of factors influence economic cycles. This does provide one with a macro economic view of how to look at where we are in an economic cycle and is very useful as a gauge. I suppose it is most important when you want to know whether we are at the apogee or the nadir.

It is a long book and requires attention to fully appreciate the context.