A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Return of the Duke by Lorraine Heath

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Cocktails and Books received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.I often go into historical romance droughts, going months before I pick another one up.  Lorraine Heath's book always makes me wonder why I put them aside for other sub-genres.

I loved the premise of this book.  A ducal heir who's lost it all because of his treasonous father and the home office spy whose reputation takes some serious damage because of that same man.  Both are trying to determine who is behind the plot that landed them in the situation they are in.  Rather than work alone, they team up and find more than those who are plotting against the Queen.

I loved Esme.  I loved that she worked for the Home Office as a spy.  I loved that she could very easily put anyone in their place.  But what I really loved was watching her slowly letting Marcus in.  She was so gun shy about him and her feelings, yet she couldn't fit the chemistry they had.  The pull towards Marcus and her internal conflict about it was very real and made their relationship so much more enjoyable.

Marcus was a man who was shoved down a few pegs when his father's activities destroyed their family.  His brother and sister may have moved on with their lives, but Marcus was left grappling with what his father did, the stain of it on his own reputation and the drive to find out why.  He wasn't the pampered heir any longer and it showed.  But sometimes left puts you in a situation that shows you the path to redemption.  He was looking to restore his name, but in the end he found his soul.  It wasn't a title that Marcus needed, but a woman who challenged him and was an equal partner in all things.  He definitely wouldn't have been happy with a society wife.  Marcus needed a partner who wasn't afraid to tell him when he was wrong or show him she could do it better.

This was the third book in this series, but it can be read as a standalone without being lost.  If you haven't picked up an historical romance in a while, definitely pick this one up.  You won't be disappointed.