A review by hgranger
The Shadow Revolution: Crown & Key by Susan Griffith, Clay Griffith


There might have been the makings of a good urban fantasy here but it got lost somewhere between broody male protagonists and Kate’s “expressive hips.” (🙄🙄🙄) Kate and Penny were promising as strong female characters until it turns out that they do in fact need to be saved by men at every turn. Imogen’s motivations were never really clear — and her sudden strength of character and bravery at the end comes completely out of the blue considering she just watched her sister get tortured for hours and said NOTHING — not even an expression of concern. (On her face or her hips since the authors seem to think those can talk as well). Gretta’s indestructibility is silly; it always irks me when the villain can take any amount of beatings and still shrug it off. Dr. White was a caricature of a villain as well. “I do it because I can.” Ok then, that saves you the effort of actually sketching out some motivation I suppose. Finally, the dialogue is stilted and awkward — this book was not what I hoped for.