A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Star Wars: Poe Dameron Vol. 4: Legend Found by


I read Poe Dameron Vol. 4 as single issues through the Marvel Unlimited app.

Once again it seems that Poe Dameron and his Black Squadron have managed to get themselves into a series of dilemmas. But at this point, that’s hardly surprising at all. In Poe Dameron Vol. 4: Legend Found, the Rebellion has been working steadily towards one goal: find Skywalker. And that means finding Lor San Tekka.
Naturally, things never go quite as smoothly as described. Especially not in the world of Star Wars. At least General Organa, Poe Dameron, and Black Squadron are reading to work together to get the job done.

Legend Found was an out of the ordinary volume, and perhaps one of my favorites from this series. And that’s partially thanks to how much was going on in this volume. There’s the overarching plot, of course. But the series has also taken the time to show us a bit more about the secondary characters; the Black Squadron and the droids that keep them all running.
Okay, so I’m probably a bit biased there, and everyone knows it. I adore droids. And this volume highlighted their personalities in ways I can only usually dream of. So, of course, I liked this volume. But I also do truly believe that it was a well-written plot, so don’t let my bias scare you off.
Obviously I enjoyed the subplots more in this volume – I loved the extra details about the Black Squadron and the tension and character building that was advanced there. But I also enjoyed the main plot itself – and how it’s tying back around to the movies. I know I should have expected that, but I didn’t. Shame on me. I’m pleasantly surprised by how they’re handling things.
And I’ve got to give credit to Charles Soule for that. I am finding myself looking forward to seeing how he’s going to wrap this series up (I’m assuming that there’s a planned ending for the series, but I could be wrong).

The artwork behind Legend Found was pretty exceptional, all things considered. But I’ve almost universally loved all of the artwork from the Star Wars graphic novels, so I’m not terribly surprised by this news.
Robbie Thompson, Angel Unzueta, and Phil Noto all provided different elements to the artwork. And I think there are a lot of notable things about this volume. The expressions of our leading characters are one – especially during that one scene towards the end. The lighting and color palette were probably my favorite elements – they were vibrant and elegant at the same time. And then there’s all of the detailing, such as the massive amount of wardrobe that had to be drawn into this issue. That was no mean feat and yet could have been easily overlooked.

Legend Found was a solid issue, and I’m finding myself eager to sit down and start reading The Spark and the Fire (Poe Dameron Vol. 5). I was bad and went ahead and read the description of that volume. I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet, but I’m more than willing to give it a try.

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