A review by relly
Family Recipe by Lisa Henry, Tia Fielding


Very good

4 stars

Enjoyable afternoons read.

I loved Justin and his desire to be a good parent to his younger siblings even in the face of so much hostility from his younger sister. He showed great maturity to understand and not let it get to him, especially when the kids stated to really bind with Del, I would have found it hard not to be jealous of the affection he received, but Justin took it in his stride and even acknowledged the feelings he was having.

I did worry at the start that it was going in a direction that I wasn’t comfortable with, but I should of trusted the authors not to take it there. The power imbalance was acknowledged and worked through by both Del and Justin. I enjoyed that Del left a lot up to Justin to move the relationship where he wanted it to go and how they created a family that allowed everyone of them to flourish