A review by pattydsf
The Art of Waiting: On Fertility, Medicine, and Motherhood by Belle Boggs


“The life an infertile person seeks comes to her not by accident and not by fate but by hard-fought choices. How to put together the portfolio of photographs. How to answer at the home study. What clinic or doctor or procedure. Donor egg or donor sperm or donor embryo. Open or closed adoption. What country, what boxes to check or uncheck. What questions to ask, and ask again. When to start and when to stop. What to say when her child says, Tell me my story.”

I was extremely lucky when my husband and I decided to have children. I got pregnant right away. Which made me so grateful for the pill – we couldn’t have afforded children before that time. I did miscarry with my first pregnancy but was able to get pregnant again as soon as I was ready to begin again. We went on to have two beautiful children who are very wonderful adults.

Our daughter-in-law was not so lucky, but after some trials and tribulations, she and our son have two lovely children that we all adore. I do wish that I had been more open about my miscarriage. Maybe they would have been willing to be more open about the trials and tribulations. I don’t know.

Our daughter and son-in-law have one baby who is only 3 months old so time will tell if they have more children. I hope so, but it isn’t my business.

All this is to say that I am not sure why I am so interested in stories about pregnancy loss and infertility. Maybe because I am a mom and I hope that no woman would find motherhood hard to achieve. For whatever reason, women don’t share many stories about how hard pregnancy can be for some women.

Boggs does a great job of sharing her story. I hope that the women that need to hear how others work out the issues of IVF, testing, shots, etc., get to read this book. And those of us that found our way to motherhood with few trials and tribulations, need to be aware of the heartaches some women go through. I am very grateful to Boggs for this book.