A review by ameserole
Be Not Far from Me by Mindy McGinnis


This was not a book to listen to while eating or drinking something delicious. Just saying.

Be Not Far From Me was a pretty good audiobook to listen to. I just wish I knew what I was walking into when I was making my breakfast this morning. Long story short, it had some disgusting scenes.. that made me want to throw up and not look at my food. That feeling passed rather quickly and then I was hungry again. Then a disgusting scene would sneak in and attack me and my stomach.

So, yeah I'm letting you know to not eat food. You're welcome!

Other than that, I loved this entire book. Ashley, my girl - I feel terrible for her. She went through hell and back.. and I think this whole adventure made her a better person. Heck, I'm so glad that she dumped that cheater ex of hers towards the end. I would've thrown my phone at the wall if she took him back.

Let's go back to her journey of surviving. Kind of cool that she already knew how to do so many things out in the wild. ME? I would've died 20 minutes out there on my own. Maybe? Yeah, most likely. Then there's the twists and turns throughout this book and I was just on the edge of my seat the entire freaking time.

Overall, this was ugh - so good. I ate it all up.