A review by kristid
The Red Umbrella by Christina Diaz Gonzalez


The Red Umbrella is a fantastically written debut that had me on the verge of tears on several occasions.

I have to admit I was a little apprehensive to read this novel at first... I do enjoy reading historical fiction, but I knew this story would waken emotions that I'd have to deal with long after the book was over. To know that people struggled in the manner that Lucia and her family did, and I'm sure there were families who struggled much more, is utterly heartbreaking.

The first part of the novel takes place in Cuba. It's soon after Castro has taken over and you see the subtle changes that the country begins to undergo. Watching it change through the eyes of Lucia was even more powerful. She's so wrapped up in her life that she fails to see those changes happening around her, until she has a rather rude awakening. Not to mention losing her closets friends and even family because of the revolution. I can't imagine what the real families living during the revolution went through during these times. It made me extremely thankful and humble to live in the country that I do.

The second part of the novel takes part in Nebraska. This part of the novel fell a little bit flat for me. It just seemed that Lucia's adaption into the American lifestyle from her Cuban one was a bit understated. It happened so fast and so smoothly. I guess I was expecting more of a struggle. Not that I wanted to see Lucia and Frankie struggle anymore after every thing they had been through, but it just didn't seem very realistic.

Overall the novel was very engaging, I sat down to read a few chapters and ended up finishing the novel in a matter of hours. Although the subject matter of The Red Umbrella isn't the happiest.... I'd say this is a novel about hope, love and courage. I'm looking forward to more novels from Christina!