A review by cowmingo
The Best Thing I Never Had by Erin Lawless


Received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a review.

First, let me warn you that there is a lot of British slang in here so if you a) aren't British or b) aren't comfortable not knowing what things mean, you may want to skip this one. That being said, this book was just okay for me. The story starts out in present day with two of the seven friends getting engaged. It then goes back in time to when all of them meet in college and takes you through a series of events that changes the dynamic of the group forever and then goes back to present day. I had a problem with how much the "offending" friend was villianized by her roommates but then again I had a problem with how she treated her male friend as well so there you go. I will say that I got angry with the characters a lot which speaks to the author's writing quite well because usually if I get mad, it means the characters are getting to me in one way or the other. I can't say anything more without spoilers and I don't like to give spoilers so you'll have to see what you think for yourself. Okay, just writing this review has made me mad at all of them again.