A review by kappareads
The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia Ember


Updated: 1/4/18
New rating: 3.5/5 stars

I enjoyed it about the same. Started rough writing style wise, but I was enjoying it all the same by the end. Half a star dropped because I realized how annoyed I was by Loki.

Full in-depth review up on my blog: https://kappareadsbooks.home.blog/2019/01/04/the-seafarers-kiss-book-review/

Original: 10/27/18
Wasn't expecting to finish this in one day BUT holy shit

I have so many feelings about this book and most of them are good.

First of all, please listen to the TWs (taken from Julia Ember's website):
Misogyny in a dystopian society, discussions of infertility/worth (#ownvoices: the author has an hormonal condition/fertility disorder, but the discussion in the book may be heavy for some), non-binary character is a villain.

(The villain one fluctuated as Loki did cause Erie to suffer, but they do give her a gift later, so overall it's kind of an "in the moment" type of thing, but still, fairly villainous for the most part. That one is also totally my opinion)

The Seafarer's Kiss is a Norse retelling of The Little Mermaid that's a origin story of sorts for Ursula. And yes, it's basically as amazing as that set up makes it sound.

Overall, I loved the beginning and the set up, the middle was the weakest, but I didn't feel bored or like I wanted to power through it, then the ending was phenomenal and I almost cried in two places.

So, to start, I loved Ersel. She's bisexual (ownvoices) and fat (these mermaids have blubber because Arctic Ocean). I love her character arc of falling for Ragna, understanding Ragna's revenge plot, her balancing her thoughts on Havamal, acting out of her own self interest, then acting for the community. I just loved her.

Speaking of Havamal, he grew on me. I was unsure of him at first, then hated him, then grew to love him because he realized the consequences of his actions and words and who he hurt with them.

Ragna's arc surprised me, but I enjoyed it none the less. I was scared with how Ersel was thinking by the end that
SpoilerRagna wouldn't return and the romance would just be in the first part, but then Ragna appeared! and was hella badass and dealing with how she murdered a bunch of people for revenge. Maybe would've liked a bit more, but I loved it. (Also holy shit she has a tentacle kink i fucking dIED)

From what I had heard from this book previously, I was expecting to feel meh about this book, but I honestly had no problems giving this 4 stars. I loved it a lot and will be reading more from Julia Ember now. I do recommend, if you think the TW would affect you, to read own voices reviews regarding them, but I do recommend the book.