A review by kjonker
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay


Wow... Where to start with this one....
Demon posession? Mental illness? Exorcisms? Reality TV? ...Oh my?

We are viewing this story through the eyes of the protagonist, 8 year old Merry. Merry is the annoying yet deliciously adorable younger sibling. I adored her. The younger-sister-older-sister relationship between her and Marjorie reminded me so much of me and my older sister and I absolutely LOVE the way both characters were written.

There were several times this story felt reminiscent of Shirley Jackson's "The Haunting of Hill House" in that it left me questioning the reality of the characters. Were we getting the skewed reality of a person suffering from possible mental illness? Was there actually a demon possession at play? Were there ghosts haunting and torturing a young girl? Is this a poltergeist? Seriously. I constantly felt off kelter a bit and wanted to peer behind the curtain at the puper master. I found myself making all sorts of "guesses" as to a big upcoming "twist" thinking I could out smart the author (ha).
Let me tell you, I did NOT see the ending coming until I was staring at it point blank, mouth agape (Blink. Blink.).
The last line leaving me doing a double-take saying, "Wait! What"?! Aggghhhhh!!
*cue Twlight Zone theme music
Sometimes not knowing is scarier than actually knowing.

I loved the heck out of this book!