A review by hannas_heas47
The Nymphos of Rocky Flats by Mario Acevedo


Is it just me or did anyone think the title was ridiculous? I expect any book that has nympho in the title to have lots of sex. I mean come on, isn't that what nympho means.... I love vampire books but this one was so far out of normal for me that it bordered on boring the whole time. Felix comes home from the war as a vampire, and becomes a detective. It seems decidedly so human instead of vampire strong though. He has to wear sun block, wtf.... And special contacts. Plus he drinks animal blood, because he doesn't want to get infected from human viruses. Weak...weak...weak. He doesn't even drink from humans, because of the innocent blood he spilled in the war. I understand thumbing our noses at regular vampire fiction but sometimes we cut off our noses to spite our face. The characters were very one dimensional, and the part where he bitch slaps a raccoon seemed unnecessary even if he was sharing a culvert with it. I didn't even chuckle the whole book, it seemed as hard as the author tried to make us laugh the more I didn't. I didn't get much entertainment from this book, I won't be reading the rest of the series.
~Wicked Reads Review Team~