A review by thepiqht
Kingdom of Ashes by Elena May


I gave this 2.5 stars.

A long time ago, I received Kingdom of Ashes from Elena May. I say that, because I honestly should have posted this review a decade ago and now I’m feeling kinda guilty about it. Sorry Elena!

Isn’t the title magnificent? That’s what first caught my attention.

I liked some of the messages that the book was trying to send. “There’s nothing glorious about fighting a war, or interrogating prisoners.” (2) While I do enjoy quite a lot of fantasy books, so many of them glamourise fighting in battles or forcefully getting the upper hand on the enemy when in reality, people are dying. I think it's important for the readers to get hit with a little bit of reality every now and then.

The writing was also quite quick paced. Despite not really being a huge fan of vampires anymore, I whizzed through the pages and dove headfirst into all of the action. There was very little filler, but Elena managed to capture some important points such as the reactions of a daughter when she learns that her parents are never coming back. It all made it much more real, in a sense that you could really imagine what was going on.

Post on the things I wasn't a fan of coming out on 14/7 at Fleur Henley