A review by mlbnbrit
Fallen Rebel by C.G. Blaine


Once again CG Blaine has left me in awe of her talent. I LOVED Fallen Rebel, and the paranormal world that Blaine has crafted is fascinating and immaculate. Unique enough to be fresh and authentic, but familiar enough to allow for full reader immersion into the plot without feeling foreign or uncomfortable. I was able to settle seamlessly within the story, connect deeply with the characters, and fall in love completely with the entire book. I’m giving 5 stars to Fallen Rebel, and I am adding the rest of the series to my mental TBR. I need more of this rowdy bunch of rebel angels, and I cannot wait to get it.

Cass is a watcher, a fallen angel tasked with guarding an entire bloodline of nephilim until they die of natural causes. Only when the last one dies naturally can Cass return home, to heaven, as an angel. Hannah Kelley is the last nephilim charge standing between Cass and his eternity. If he can get her safely through her lifetime, his task will be complete and his duty fulfilled. Hannah is nothing to Cass but a job. She is simply an annoying burden keeping him from his forever…until she isn’t.

Cass is PERFECT, and I am obsessed with him. He’s everything I could have hoped for in a fallen “don’t call me a guardian angel” angel. His broody attitude and snarky wit had me hooked from the first line, and he is sexy AF. I mean COME ON, who doesn’t love a sexy alpha angel who shows a vulnerable caring side and isn’t afraid to fall in love? I want a Cass. I’m serious. He’s dropped his ass right to the front of my book boyfriend harem and will likely stay there for a while.

And Hannah Kelley? I love her sweet and sassy personality. I love how she put herself back together after being broken, and how she is no-nonsense and fearless in the face of a challenge. The girl might seem quiet and unassuming, but she’s no stranger to pain, and she can handle quite literally anything that life throws at her (including scorching demon fireballs). She’s strong AF, and I am amazed by her.

This book had everything I love. It made me feel all the feels, it made me think, it kept me on my toes, and it was HELLA SEXY. The hero and heroine were perfect, together and separately, and the secondary characters were just as dynamic and intriguing as the main characters. I’m already salivating over the thought of the next connected standalone in this series. CG Blaine is officially on my one-click list. She’s such a talented storyteller, and her writing style is flawless and flows beautifully. Fallen Rebel is another perfect example of her creativity and skill.

Gaaaaaaah, CG Blaine, how are you so good? And where can I get a Cass of my own? I give Fallen Rebel 5 stars, and I need to own it in ebook and paperback and I will possibly get a tattoo of Cass’s name, too. Because I floved it.

*ARC generously gifted by Wildfire Marketing in exchange for an honest review