A review by rellimreads
Risky Play by Rachel Van Dyken


Audio. Full disclosure: I love 99% of what RVD writes. CJ Bloom & Eric London are definitely in my list of favorite narrators. So, it was going to be difficult for this book to disappoint. Even though I could read/listen via KU ~ I bought it.

Yes, the jilted-bride-goes-on-honeymoon-anyway-and-meets-her-forever-man has been done numerous times before, but RVD pulls it off well by adding a few unique twists and turns. Places where I thought I knew where she was going, she made a different decision with great results.

I loved Mac. She was adorable (I’m sure CJ Bloom’s voice helped here), yet strong and determined despite all the crap coming her way.

Speaking of crap, Slade’s attitude toward her when they meet up again is what brought this down for me. He was particularly vicious and it went along a little too long for my taste.

They get their HEA. We also get to know Matt & Jagger well enough that I can’t wait for their stories.